Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I know its been almost a month (if not a month) since I have written. It seems like I always have good intentions about writing a blog post and then I get side tracked. With my two little kiddos its probably not hard for me to get side tracked these days. I have been thinking about what I want to write next. I want this to be a blog about how God has shown me that where I am to be is in Christianity and not Mormonism. But I also do NOT want this to be about how bad I think the Mormon religion is. I am NOT a Mormon. I do not believe some of things that they believe but I do have family and friends who truly believe it. And so I do not want to turn this into a Mormon bashing blog. I am going to just write what I feel write now and then maybe someday come back and edit it. I was looking for something and found a lot of my old journal notes and I have found that if I just write it sounds a lot better then if I psychoanalyze everything I am going to say. I am going to start at the beginning of my life as I think it kinda matters. I was born as the youngest of six children to my parents M and M. I was born on a Saturday afternoon. Perfect and healthy. When I was about 10 days old (as the story goes) I turned gray all over and my mom took me to the hospital. My dad was out of town. The doctor's told my mom that all of my organs were shutting down. My uncle W and my dad's dad R came over to give me a blessing. If you are not familiar with blessings it is not unlike being anointed with oil and prayer. I got better slowly and they never did figure out what was wrong with me. My family life was normal (at least to me) and I really enjoyed my family. When I was about five we were living in Canada and I loved life. Every day my dad and I would have lunch together, our favorite was grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup with crumbled up saltine crackers in it, (still a comfort food for me till this day). I didn't understand in my happy little five year old life that my life was about to take a drastic turn. My mom was secretly planning to leave Canada and return back to the states. Without my dad. One day in March when I was 5, my mom told me to get a couple of things and then go to the car. I told her no and said that I wanted to have lunch with my dad. He had promised that he would come home for lunch and I was very excited. My mom again repeated to go get some things and meet her at the car and we weren't going to have lunch with my dad that day. As it turned out my mom had been planning for weeks to do this and that day just so happened to be the day. I can clearly remember how angry I was that I couldn't have lunch with my dad. I followed her and we went to the school where my siblings were, picked them up and drove across the border and into Spokane Washington for the night. The next day we got up and drove to my grandparents house in Idaho. I remember just being so sad that we had left my dad. More to come soon. Thanks for reading

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Start of This Journey

I just came back from a women's retreat and the topic of the weekend was "Fulfill Your Ministry".

I really feel like God has called me to begin this journey of sharing my story of how I came out of Mormonism and into the Father's arms.

My mom left the church when I was 8 years old and found her way into the Father's arms. Although later in her life she did lose her way, she did teach me about Christ and HIS amazing gift to us.

I am not using this blog as a Mormon bash board as some of my family and dearest friends are still in the church and I have no qualms with that.

I am just using this as a place to come if you have ever had any questions about why some people leave Mormonism and the truth that God has given me.